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Best Divine Orbs Farming Strategies In Path Of Exile 3.20

Jan 07, 2023

I'm about to reveal my secret to affording 60 Divine builds that kill Uber bosses in Path of Exile without relying on too much luck. And now make sure to check the stream of consciousness and block the league mechanics I have not mentioned. The following are the best ways you can start your favorite build using my free ouch and go strategy.

1. Harvest Lifeforce Farming

Whether it is late league or early league, Harvest Lifeforce has several uses early on in the league. I just sell them for Divine Orbs to get a start. Later on, I use them to re-roll Essences Scarabs and Fossils. This depends on the selling price of these items and their respective Lifeforce. In my opinion, at midleague 5600 yellow is fair enough price for one Divine Orb in case of an emergency where I need a Divine Orb to get an item on trade. I just sell my Lifeforce in POE 3.20. The value of Essences are at the peak because there is no Essence mod in the map device. I collect all kinds of Essences and then max them. Then I re-roll them using Harvest to get the most valuable ones, especially the one which gives men a reservation efficiency on helmets. You have to be careful not to spend too much Juice on this, if you get the attribute Essence. That's a fine one, too.

2. Black Scythe And Knights Expedition

When you are starting a new league, Tujen is the best source of filling up your currency tab with anything you need. Eventually, he could roll a few Divine Orbs in very unlikely a Mirror Shard. The reason why Burial Medallion is most valuable is because one Denning re-roll can give you multiple other re-rolls of Exotic Coinage and even Expedition Maps. This will always remain the best league mechanic to farm currency.

3. Collecting Stacked Decks

Collect Stacked Decks at high levels. Do not buy them and do not sell them. Get it yourself from level 85 plus Tujen, high level Heist or maps when you open them have at least 200. So, the chances are very good. This has always been one of the best guaranteed currency farming strategies for me personally.

POE Divine Orb farming strategy

4. Eldritch Ultra Farming

Make sure to grab all the Eldritch nodes from the Atlas, including the Keystone Passives. This is free Chaos Orbs for an ouch. And go strategy, if you are lucky while doing the blue ones. You could even get an Altar which gives Divine Orbs when choosing which one to do. I recommend doing the one which is opposite to your build type. For example, if your build is Fire or Chaos based, do the blue one. If your build is Cold or Lightning, do the red one. In my opinion, both are equally rewarding.

5. Jun And Alva Master Missions

The vine for ebb for your build. This requires a basic defense and good clearing speed, too. I had a good start this league because Devouring Diadem was selling for three Divine Orbs and I was farming the Syndicate until it lost its value. A tip to note is that if you run Jun missions on lower levels, then the Syndicate boss is highly likely to drop this unique helmet, the key things to get from Jun and Aisling. And it that fled in research provisions in intervention and hillock in either of the other two. The key rooms to get from Alva Temple are the Locus of Corruption and Doryani's Institute. If the selling price is low, just run them yourself.

6. Current League Mechanic

GGG will always set the best rewards at the new league mechanic. This time, the league mechanic is very rewarding. If you have a build that can run it completely, it's easy once you get used to it. And this is the best opportunity to make a lot of Divine Orbs. An Honorable Mention here is, the Grand Heist. But since we are covering the Atlas, I am not including this. If you enjoy Heist, dedicate yourself to getting chase items, such as Replica Alberon's Warpath and Alternate Gems of high value.

7. Double Corrupting Medium Value Items And Gems

Yes, this is huge. I mean very huge. You can make from 10 to 80 Divine Orbs easily in one good Double Corrupted chest piece. So, why is this not gambling? You may ask. Because our strategy involves Double Corrupting Items that are less than three Divine Orbs, while we have already made at least 10 Divine Orbs. So, this is something I always do from the mid-league till the end of the Sanctum League.

If you think the above method of farming Divine Orbs is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, you may wish to get some directly from this website.


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