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Path of Exile:What You Need to Know About Hideouts

May 30, 2022

Hideouts, the special areas players can design for themselves, were introduced into the game with the Forsaken Masters mini-expansion. Players will unlock this feature after rescuing Helena in Act 2, and use it as their main event space outside of the game.

Almost everything can be accessed from Hideouts, including end-game maps, the crafting bench, most masters as well as personal and the guild stashes. It is also the most common area for players to trade items.

1. Hideouts variant

There are as many as 16 variants of Hideouts, one of which players can acquire via microtransactions and some that can only be unlocked in specific areas of the game.

Rare hideouts that can currently be unlocked include Alpine Hideout, Arboreal Hideout, Brutal Hideout, Celestial Hideout, Divided Hideout, Glacial Hideout, Haunted Hideout, Overgrown Hideout, and more.

2. Hideouts decorations

If you want to make Hideouts even more cool, the right accessories will be the most critical part. Players will be able to earn Reputation and Favour after completing Master Quests, and Favour currency can be used to buy any decorations you want from any Hideouts owner.

3. Visit other people's Hideouts

Hideouts is a very important part of the transaction channel between players, and players usually choose to complete transactions and pick up goods here. This means the hideout will become a social place, and you can also access other people's Hideouts.Access is very simple, which just need to right-click on the opponent's game avatar frame and select "Vist Hideout."

All in all, Hideouts gives players a lot of customization space, allowing players of different styles to have fun in it.Not only does bring you more news and useful information, but you can also buy POE Currency here to advance your progress in the 3.18 Sentinel League.


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