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Use Adrenaline To Quickly Level Up Your Character - Path Of Exile 3.21 League Start Tips

Apr 04, 2023

Today, I want to talk about the tremendous changes GGG made to attack builds and general level skills in the latest Crucible patch. We looked at most of Masteries in the game. Some of these Masteries have been completely redesigned from the ground up in this patch, while others have only added a thing or two.

In Attack Mastery, we found out that this patch adds an absolutely enormous change to it, which is being able to gain Adrenaline for a second when you change poses. There are still many players who do not understand what Adrenaline is. Adrenaline buff include:

  • 100% increased damage output
  • 25% increased Attack, Casting and Movement Speed
  • 10% Additional Physical Damage Reduction

Most Overpowered Tech in Crucible - Permanent Adrenaline and Onslaught

We can also abuse it by using Blood and Sand. Sand will only consume 10% of the player’s remaining Mana, and has a two-second cooldown. Now, if we level it up, we can see what Blood and Sand give us.

As you can see, it has increased the cooldown of Level 2 Blood and Sand by 23%. This means that even at level 2, Blood and Sand have a cooldown of at least 1.63 seconds. If I put it on left click, I can simply run around in the game and have Blood and Sand disappear automatically, and my current setup is level 2 Blood and Sand.

I have about 70 minutes of uptime with Adrenaline and nerves to Onslaught. This greatly helps compensate for the drawbacks of this setup. Another bonus is that you can set it from the beginning of the game, and Sand only needs to reach level four to set it. If you get this in the first act, all you have to do after that is get Attack Mastery.

If you’re a Duelist, your latest new node for Attack Mastery is Seasoned Swordplay. It also reduces the reservation efficiency of the Sand skill, which should make it easier for you to get used to it. If you’re a Marauder, chances are those closest to you will automatically start defending. If you’re playing Templar, you now actually have Templar 2 with a New Righteous Fire node.

Use Adrenaline To Quickly Level Up Your Character

And as long as you’re in the race, there’s bound to be something to make this build even better. It is also very important to never remove Onslaught Support Gem. Honestly, this will be one of the great ways you get Onslaught consistently.

These were specifically stated recently, which also means that if you are a Duelist, this Onslaught will also last 4 seconds. For example, with your tree bottom traversing, you can now pick up Bladedancer and get your Attack Mastery or Adrenaline here.

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If you want to level up any of the lower level characters, you get a ton of movement speed and a ton of attack damage and attack speed with Onslaught and Adrenaline. I really recommend you do this.

And you at least left click on Blood and Sand throughout the leveling process, which will make it level faster than any other character in the game, and also save you a lot of POE Currency.

That’s all I know about the vast changes made to attack builds and general level skills in the latest Crucible patch. Let me know if you have any questions. We’ll be keeping an eye out for all things Crucible in the coming weeks. Hope these will help you.


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