These Features Will Definitely Be Your Reasons To Play Path Of Exile 2 Next Month! - 5 New Features
Oct 26, 2024 Source: POECURRENCY
As the release date of the early access version of the new game Path of Exile 2, which has been polished for a long time, is getting closer, players are increasingly looking forward to this game that differs completely from the original. However, some players have been in a wait-and-see state, because the information leaked so far about this new game is too little and the release time has been delayed, which has made them lose a lot of confidence.
This is completely understandable, but this guide has now combined most of the current game information trailers and some players’ actual play reviews to list some new features of Path of Exile 2 that are worth playing. If you are one player who is waiting, you might as well read some reasons provided by this guide before making a conclusion.
Note that this guide is speculated based on the currently known game information and is for reference only. Everything is subject to the official release version.
1. The Game As A Whole Takes Place In A New Story
The first thing to introduce is also a question that many players are concerned about, whether the story line in Path of Exile 2 is related to the original? According to the trailer released so far, we can learn that the storyline of POE 2 takes place 20 years after the events of the original game. So the game world you enter has the god of corruption Kitava defeated and the land of Oriath saved.
Then you will continue your exploration in these procedural dungeons with modifiers. You will feel a darker scene here, and the enemies and Tilesets will become more terrifying, as if a new god or essence is rising.
Of course, this is the first half of the game story, and the second half will depend on your behavior in the first half, so you may see a very different Acts 6-10, and even each player may have a unique ending.
2. The Environment Of The Game World Has Also Changed
Of course, as a brand new game, the environment in which you can fight in Path of Exile 2 has also changed, otherwise this sequel is likely to become boring. At this stage, the scene of Act 1 leaked is very similar to the scene in Diablo series of games, and most importantly, there is Dark Souls, which may surprise players who play these two games at the same time.
Not only that, the caves and unique swamps shrouded in dim light make the cities and coasts that are very ordinary in the original game more appealing to explore, and will also make players more immersed in the battle. Most importantly, it's easier to find those shiny POE2 Currency at the end of your battle.
3. New Weapon Types Added
Although the weapons that can be used by each class have not been fully announced at this stage, it is certain that Spears have been added to POE 2 as a new weapon type, which has been requested by players in the player community for many years after the original game was first released.
In addition, Crossbows will also be added to this new game, which allows players to have a new game style that mixes melee and ranged combat. These two new weapon types are enough to add a lot of dramatic builds and playable value to this game, which will also make Path of Exile 2 stand out from the new games that will be released next month.
Not only that, Traps and Flails will also provide you with a lot of unique skill experiences and more build possibilities.
4. The Combat Screen Has Been Greatly Improved
In the process of continuous improvement, POE 2 has achieved a lot of combat improvements. For example, the arrows that players have been complaining about will stick to the surface after hitting the enemy, and the first-level enemies will recoil after being hit. These have been improved.
In addition, with the change of the combat environment, the visual effects in combat have also been greatly improved - the picture has become more beautiful and allows smoother movement while using skills. These improved visual effects will help immerse players in the cruel world.
5. New Classes Are Introduced
In addition to the original 6 classes in POE, 6 new classes will be introduced in the new game - Monk, Druid, Huntress, Mercenary, Sorceress, and Warrior. Except for Scion, the original classes will retain the same Stats and progress as the original, and will all get Ascendancies.
Each Class has 3 Ascendancies to choose from, which will give your Class more damage skills or survival skills in the game, which will greatly increase the diversity of your exploration in the game. You can even consider changing your game style to pure offense or pure defense, which is all achievable.
These are the five reasons why Path of Exile 2 should be your first choice next month. Although this game has made many players wait with enthusiasm at the beginning, and then experienced multiple delays, and finally let players gradually lose interest. But believe me, the early version next month will definitely make you shine and feel that the previous wait is worth it. I wish you a happy game!
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How Do You Deal With The Encounter With Ekbab And Iktab In Path Of Exile 2? - Battle Guide
Path of Exile 2, which has been popular all over the world for some time, has become a popular target for many players who love challenges because of its unique boss battle encounter mechanism. A double boss encounter in Act 2 of this sequel has become the most discussed topic among exiles.
The two bosses are Ekbab, Ancient Steed and Iktab, Deathlord. They will reward you with Mastodon Tusks and a piece to assemble the Horn of Vastiri, so that you can cross the current desert and go to more dangerous places.
Since the difficulty of fighting two bosses at the same time is very high among the boss encounters in the whole game, this guide will show you how to find Ekbab and Iktab, as well as the attacks and mechanisms they use in the battle, so that you can complete this unique boss encounter faster and more comfortable.
How To Find Ekbab And Iktab?
The first thing we need to know is that Ekbab, Ancient Steed and Iktab, Deathlord are located in The Bone Pits in Act 2, which you will find during A Theft of Ivory quest.
You will explore two very important locations during this quest, the first being the Mastodon Badlands. Although there is no boss to fight here, it is great for farming POE 2 Currency and some loot, as it contains a lot of lower-level monsters that are easily defeated by your normal attacks. The other location is The Bone Pits where you fight Ekbab and Iktab.
How To Defeat Ekbab And Iktab?
As you explore The Bone Pits, a very large area, you will definitely come across Blackrib Pit, which is the location of the arena where you fight these two bosses. Since this arena is regional, try not to set foot in it until you have decided on a strategy to deal with them.
It is also worth noting that when either Ekbab or Iktab is defeated, the other will be given some power, which will cause their damage output per attack to be very high and very efficient, so when making your build, you can’t focus your main attack power on only one boss.
You can try to spend some POE 2 Exalted Orbs to invest in multiple gears with different offensiveness, so that they can deal equal damage to each other, so that Ekbab and Iktab’s health will be depleted at the same rate, and then quickly defeat them one after another. After you prepare a powerful build, you also need to understand the attack moves and mechanics of these two bosses so that you can react faster and more accurately during the battle.
Also Read: Player Feedback: The Endgame In Path Of Exile 2 Would Be Better With Some Changes!
Ekbab, The Ancient Seed
- Ground Slam: If you see Ekbab is standing up, it means that it is about to raise its front hooves and slam itself in front of it, which will cause a wave of cascading damage to you. So you need to dodge immediately when you see it standing up to avoid this attack.
- Tusk Swipe: At this time, Ekbab will swing his head to the left to cause tremendous damage, so you can stay on its right side to avoid this move. But it should be noted that it is always moving, so Ekbab will often swing to the right, so please always pay attention to the direction of its head swing.
- Charge: When you see Ekbab start to retreat, it is about to use this attack move: charging forward to cause unbearable straight-line damage once hit. At this time, it is recommended that you can increase the mobility in the build as much as possible, or keep some distance to better avoid this attack.
In general, most of the attacks used by Ekbab can be judged by its actions before the attack and the distance between you and the boss. The safe area you are standing in is generally safer on both sides. So between Ekbab and Iktab, Ekbab is easier, but when it gains a buff because of Iktab’s death, it will be your real challenge.
After gaining the specified buff, Ekbab will create a smaller version of Iktab’s Ghost Nova, which will fire a number of projectiles at you. There will also be one or two small ghost orbs that will follow you around and explode when they get close to you. The strategies available here are very limited, as each player’s play style is slightly different, but the easiest way to practice is to just keep dodging their attacks until the projectiles are gone.
Iktab, The Dreadlord
- Lightning Wand: Iktab will fire a bunch of small lightning projectiles around the arena that will explode when they hit your character. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell where the projectiles are from, so when you see the first set, it’s best to stay at a distance or dodge.
- Sigil Meteor: If you see orange marks on the ground, it means Iktab is about to summon a meteor to hit those marks for heavy damage. Obviously, you need to avoid the orange marks and find a way to deal some damage to the boss from a safe area.
- Lightning Strikes: Not only do you need to avoid the orange marks, but you also need to pay special attention to the blue ones that appear in the arena, as they are the signs that Iktab will release Lightning Strikes to deal heavy lightning damage to you. During this process, it is recommended that you equip some POE 2 Items that can provide you with lightning resistance to keep your character safe.
- Ghost Nova: After getting all the above moves, you will see a nova appear in the center of the arena, which will periodically fire some projectiles at you while slowly spinning. It is best to move to the edge of the arena and give yourself some space to deal damage to the boss. Also, be careful to avoid each projectile as the nova moves, which has tremendous damage.
When Ekbab dies, all of Iktab’s attacks gain a huge buff: Sigil meteors will form waves that cover most of the arena, Lightning Strikes become denser, and Ghost Nova’s novas will spin faster and projectiles will fly faster.
In addition, Iktab gains a new attack called Bone Tendrils, which is the only Area Damage of the two bosses. You will see 5 circular AOEs around where you are standing, which will explode after a few seconds. So you may need to move around to stay in a safe area.
That’s it for finding and fighting the two powerful bosses Ekbab and Iktab in POE 2. Overall, the best strategy for completing this encounter is to deal with Iktab first, as Ekbab has a strengthened attack that is easier to avoid. Once you defeat them both, you can find Mastodon Tusks from the loot provided to you and then embark on your journey to find the rest of Horn of Vastiri. Have fun!
How To Get Morior Invictus Grand Regalia In Path Of Exile 2 To Protect You? - How To Get & How It Works?
As you explore the hot Path of Exile 2 Early Access endgame, you may be very concerned about the defensive capabilities of your build. The most common thing for both new Exiles and veterans to do during this stage is to replace the less defensive body armor in your build with ones with higher stats. Morior Invictus Grand Regalia is your best choice in this process, as it has multiple defensive properties and has the potential to be a build- or game-changing item in POE 2 with the right rolls.
Unfortunately, this armor set is very hard to come by, as you need to fight one of the toughest bosses in the game during the endgame. In order to get it in your build sooner rather than later, this guide will show you how to get this unique and how it works, which may make you stand out from the crowd.
How To Get It?
As a unique item in POE 2, Morior Invictus Grand Regalia is also one of the loot you get after the boss encounter, but please note that you need to fight the last pinnacle boss of the endgame stage, Arbiter of Ash. Given the difficulty of this boss encounter, here is a suggestion: interact with the nearest checkpoint before entering the arena where you and it are.
On the one hand, this will make your rebirth location closer to the arena after dying in the battle, saving more time. On the other hand, you can spend some POE 2 Exalted Orbs here to invest in your defense and attack capabilities, which will make your battle easier. Note that you can only fight Arbiter of Ash in Burning Monolith after collecting the three Crisis Fragments in Citadels in Atlas.
As expected, collecting fragments is to fight a boss encounter contained in each Citadel, but each of them is distributed in a different act. Here are the locations of each boss and the names of Citadels in which they exist. Like Towers in the game, Citadels can be found in areas not covered by a fog of war if they are within 2-3 screens of your exploration area, and they have different glowing colors to distinguish them.
Count Geonor From Act 1 - Iron Citadel
Strategy: Since Count Geonor is a two-phase boss, you should deal with the most damage in the first phase so that you can enter the second phase as soon as possible and face the final challenge. For the beams of ice he casts, you should judge his position in time by the changes in the arena to avoid taking a lot of cold damage. In addition, be sure to use flasks to keep your character’s healthy stable during the active period of Mist of Ice.
Jamanra, The Abomination From Act 2 - Copper Citadel
Strategy: Jamanra, The Abomination is also a two-phase boss, but since the difference in difficulty between its two phases is not large, there is no need to rush into the second phase. But beware of all the lightning damage it deals, especially for melee-focused classes that don’t have much elemental resistance. And make sure you have enough flexibility in your build before taking on this boss, as many of its attacks are tracking.
Doryani From Act 3 - Stone Citadel
Strategy: In fact, after you’ve played most of the bosses and enemies in the first two acts, your build and combat strategy will be relatively mature, and it’s actually quite easy to complete the fight with Doryani. But the main thing to note is that you must react quickly, and all of Doryani’s moves here are predicted, so please react to them in time and dodge or attack.
How Does It Work?
Now let’s get into what makes Morior Invictus Grand Regalia armor set so coveted, starting with its special ability to increase the player’s strength based on the number of runes or Soul Cores slotted into the armor set. Unlike regular armor sets that only have two slots, it defaults to at least 4 empty slots.
Each piece also has two unique modifiers, which you can choose from a pool of seven modifiers provided by Morior Invictus, which give the set a fixed percentage scaling of your build’s stats, with the specific number being related to the number of Socketed Runes or Soul Cores on the armor. Here are the seven unique modifiers you can choose from in this set.
- 1. Increase 10% all attribute resistance per socket rune or soul core.
- 2. Increase 10% global defense per socket rune or soul core.
- 3. Increase 10% rarity of items found per socket rune or soul core.
- 4. Increase 5% max life per socket rune or soul core.
- 5. Increase 5% max mana per socket rune or soul core.
- 6. Increase 5% attribute per socket rune or soul core.
- 7. Increase 10 spirit per socket rune or soul core.
While none of the modifiers Morior Invictus offers are useless, the extent to which their upgrades affect you depends greatly on the nature of the build you are using. Generally speaking, the most ideal modifier is one that increases all elemental resistances, as it also gives the armor a passive effect of increasing all elemental resistances by 40%, which is very valuable.
If your budget allows, you can spend a Vaal Orb to corrupt Morior Invictus armor piece so that you can gain an additional five rune slots and have two very useful property upgrades. The above is the specific method and method of how to obtain Morior Invictus Grand Regalia in POE 2. I hope you can maximize its powerful defensive capabilities with the help of this guide. I wish you a happy game!
Choose The Best Skill Gems In Path Of Exile 2 Early Access For Your Sorceress Builds! - Top 5
Since the release of Path of Exile 2 Early Access, more and more players have been jumping into this excellent sequel to try out the vast amount of content it has to offer and the 6 classes available. Of these classes, Sorceress has become a favorite for many players because of its excellent synergy, damage, and crowd control abilities.
But for a class that can kill enemies from a distance and keep them there, it also comes with two very obvious disadvantages: low health and poor defense. Fortunately, this lack of survivability can be compensated by Energy Shield buffs that some of Skill Gems in POE 2 give you.
But this doesn’t mean that you need to focus all your Skill Gems on this one attribute, as they are gear that depends entirely on the build you want. So this guide will introduce you to the best Skill Gems that can be used in most builds, so that you can better make the best Sorceress build.
1. Frost Bolt
- Skill Tier: Level 3
- Mana Cost: 8
- Requirements: 16 Intelligence, Player Level 6
When you find your first Level 3 Uncut Skill Gem during exploration, you can cut it into a Frost Bolt, a slow-moving ice projectile. The Frost Bolt will pierce enemies directly, and will freeze some of the ground as it continues to move, slowing down the enemies so that you can deal more damage to them.
Of course, besides this continuous cold damage and freezing ability, the Frost Bolt has some other significant effects. The first thing to mention is that after Frost Bolt pierces the enemy, you can deal more damage to this vulnerable enemy, so this is great for those situations where you are fighting groups of enemies. On top of that, after you freeze some enemies, you can use Cold Snap skill on them again, which will cause the enemies to explode for tremendous damage.
2. Hypothermia
- Skill Tier: Level 7
- Mana Cost: 74
- Requirements: 52 Intelligence, Player Level 22
If you want your Sorceress build to focus on cold damage, then you must not miss Hypothermia curse skill, because the curse will reduce the cold resistance of the enemy you face by at least 30%. So when you get Level 7 Uncut Skill Gem, please immediately cut it into this skill gem that can bring you a significant debuff effect.
In addition, this curse can also be used in conjunction with a spirit gem called Blasphemy in the late game content of POE 2, turning it into a permanent aura, to bring more benefits to your Sorceress build.
However, it should be noted that this may require a higher Spirit reservation, so if you want to use this combination before the endgame stage, you may need to spend a lot of POE 2 Exalted Orbs to upgrade the rarity or affixes of the gear that provides Spirit buffs in the Sorceress build so that you can achieve your goal as soon as possible.
3. Frost Wall
- Skill Tier: Level 9
- Mana Cost: 23
- Requirements: 72 Intelligence, Player Level 31
I think that many players will prefer those with super high cost performance when choosing Skill Gems for your Sorceress build, especially those that can provide both defensive buffs and greatly improve damage capabilities. Frost Wall just meets these conditions and is a versatile ice ability.
Frost Wall will create an ice crystal wall when released, and it will protect you in a narrow space for 8 seconds. When the countdown ends or it is destroyed by the enemy, this defense will explode by itself and cause unpredictable cold damage to the enemy. On top of that, the barrier will freeze enemies that try to get through it to damage your character when it explodes, giving you more time to react and counterattack.
Here’s a tip for you, you can combine Frost Wall with slow-moving projectiles that deal huge damage but often miss faster enemies, such as Frost Bolt or Frost Bomb, and you’ll find that they work together nicely and your damaging abilities are maximized.
4. Ball Lightning
- Skill Tier: Level 11
- Mana Cost: 36
- Requirements: 95 Intelligence, Player Level 41
As your character levels up and the defensive abilities in your build mature enough, you may want to start focusing on your elemental damage abilities, so after you have your first Level 11 Uncut Skill Gem, you can cut it into Ball Lightning to add the lightning element gap in your Sorceress build.
Ball Lightning fires a slow-moving lightning projectile when cast, which will shoot lightning along its path to nearby enemies, and gives your character a prime chance to cause shock, which makes Sorceress able to add shock ailment to the build very efficiently.
With the help of Ball Lightning, you can quickly make a build with synergistic multiple elemental sources of damage, which will leave many enemies nowhere to hide, as most enemies will only have one or two elemental resistances. If you’re interested, you can combine Ball Lightning and Lightning Warp skills so that you can teleport anywhere in combat and immediately detonate a ball of lightning, which greatly increases your flexibility and speeds up the rate at which you gain POE 2 Currency at the end of combat.
5. Lightning Warp
- Skill Tier: Level 9
- Mana Cost: 24
- Requirements: 72 Intelligence, Player Level 31
Among the many Skill Gems that Sorceresses have in POE 2, the explosive teleportation in Lightning Warp is a unique and deadly skill that allows you to teleport into any enemy that can be killed or has low health. After you defeat it with some simple skills, the enemy will explode on its own and cause a lot of lightning damage to the remaining enemies, and most importantly, it can also form shocking ground.
Although the damage capacity of Lightning Warp is very strong, as mentioned above, if you combine it with the projectiles fired by Lightning Ball, the damage capacity will be doubled and Sorceress Build will be highly mobile at the same time. Not only that, but it can also cause more shocking ailments to enemies in the area.
The above are the 5 best Skill Gems that are suitable for most Sorceress builds in POE 2 Early Access. Hopefully, you can reach their required requirements and obtain those Uncut Skill Gems as soon as possible during the exploration process. However, because of the different game styles and exploration time of each player, the order in which they are obtained may also be different, and the specific skill gems used will depend entirely on your build requirements. I wish you a happy game!
How To Get These Two Important Jewels In POE 2? - Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond & Megalomaniac Diamond
In Path of Exile 2 Early Access, the power of your build is largely determined by the gear you use in it. Many players may place great emphasis on items with obvious effects such as weapons or skill gems, but the jewel slots in each build with a unique play style are also very important.
Given the importance of this slot, this guide will introduce you to the two best gems for different build styles, namely Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond and Megalomaniac Diamond. Here, you will see how to obtain them and their specific uses so that you can maximize their effectiveness in the game.
Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond
First, let’s introduce the overview of this gem. It is a Unique Jewel in POE 2 and can only be obtained by defeating one of the most powerful pinnacle bosses in the game. The main function of Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond is to give your endgame build a huge upgrade, especially those endgame builds that need to have the best distribution of passive skill tree points to achieve maximum damage.
A word of caution here, since you are taking on one of the toughest bosses in the game, spend some POE 2 Exalted Orbs to upgrade most of the offensive gear in your build or add an affix before the fight, which may make your entire quest more comfortable and easier to succeed.
Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond is one of the loot drops from a pinnacle boss called Xesht, We That Are One in Difficulty 4 Breach event in POE 2. You can find Xesht, We That Are One by using the Realmgate in the Atlas, which requires you to farm 3000 Breach Splinters in Breach nodes to synthesize Breachstones.
This method only works if you challenge Xesht, We That Are One at Difficulty 1, and the important gems you need require you to complete this fight at Difficulty 4. Fortunately, unlocking this difficulty does not require you to provide more farming materials, just keep defeating the boss of the previous difficulty.
Each Xesht defeated at a difficulty will reward you with 2 Breach Atlas points. After you get them, the boss’ difficulty will increase, so you can unlock Difficulty 4 by defeating it four times at increasing difficulty. But it should be noted that if you are in a group to challenge this boss together, only the player with the Breachstone will get those equally important points, and other teammates will not.
After talking about the specific method of obtaining Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond, let’s take a look at its function. When placed in a Jewel socket, it will form two rings around itself, and its radius has 8 different values, namely: Very Small, Small, Medium-Small, Medium, Medium-Large, Large, Very Large, and Massive.
There are a lot of nodes in these two rings, and you can allocate some passive skill points that have a large actual benefit to your build here, so that you will not be bound by the passive skill tree. Also, unlike Time-Lost Jewels, Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond does not allow skill points to be allocated to any node within the circle, but only nodes that fall within the two rings around it, and the radius of the circle is not the larger the better, but is determined by the passive skills you need or want that may be closer to the gem slot.
In addition, Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond has two debuff modifiers: on the one hand, it can reduce resistance to all elements by 20%-5%, and on the other hand, it reduces Chaos Resistance by 23%-3%. The lower these debuff values, the better the gem.
Here is a good way to crack this debuff, to light up Chaos Inoculation Keystone in the passive skill tree, which can make your character immune to all Chaos damage and ignore the debuffs brought by Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond.
Megalomaniac Diamond
Likewise, Megalomaniac Diamond is a gem that can have a significant impact on your endgame build, and can even make your character’s damage ability more devastating. However, the steps you take to obtain it are also very troublesome, requiring you to not only challenge very powerful bosses in POE 2 but also use Random Number Generator to your advantage. Again, be prepared to have enough POE 2 Currency to upgrade and enhance your build.
You will find Megalomaniac Diamond in the loot of Kosis, Revelation in Delirium event under Difficulty 4, and you also need to open Realmgate in Atlas to open you and its arena. Here, you need to provide 300 Simulacrum Splinters farmed from Delirium-infused Waystones and Delirium nodes to synthesize a Simulacrum to open this portal.
Like Xesht, We That Are One, Kosis, Revelation’s difficulty is increased by completing each level of the previous level to gain Delirium Atlas points. After repeating this four times, you will enter Difficulty 4, where the boss will drop the gems you need.
It is worth noting that Kosis, Revelation can also be randomly generated in regular Delirium maps, but this variant will not drop Megalomaniac Diamond and other POE 2 Items that are exclusive to the pinnacle variant.
In a build, Megalomaniac Diamond has 2-3 modifiers, all of which will assign you the inscribed Notables passive skill immediately after it is inserted into Jewel socket, rather than progressing through the passive skill tree. Although this is essentially the same as the effect of Anointing an Amulet, you can use 2-3 passive skills at the same time instead of one. However, it is important to note that there can only be one Megalomaniac Diamond in a build, and it cannot be stacked.
Given the uncertainty of the passive skill buffs provided by Megalomaniac Diamond, its value is also uncertain. In the best case, it has 3 Notables passive skills that can be used in meta builds, so its value may exceed hundreds of Divine Orbs; but if it only provides you with Notables passive skills that cannot supplement your build, its value may be less than a POE 2 Regal Orb.
Another thing to note is that Megalomaniac Diamond cannot be modified because it is already in a damaged state when it is generated, so you cannot use Vaal Orbs to affect it. So if you want a very useful Megalomaniac Diamond, you must either farm it or trade it with other players.
The above are the specific methods and effectiveness of the two gem options currently available in POE 2 for the full game style. I hope that your build can achieve the maximum exploration potential with the help of them and bring you an excellent gaming experience. I wish you a happy game!
How To Complete Breach As A Endgame Mechanism In Path Of Exile 2?
As the most tough part of the game, POE 2’s endgame will be unlocked after you defeat the boss Doryani for the second time and leave Cruel mode. After that, you will also begin to enter the mapping phase of the game, when many new endgame mechanisms will appear, and you need to interact with these mechanisms to open more advanced boss battles.
At present, the more important endgame mechanisms include Breach, Ritual, Delirium and Expedition. They will allow you to experience different gameplay to get different amounts of POE 2 Currency and other important rewards.
Based on this, this time we will introduce you to Breach mechanism.
What Is Breach?
After entering the endgame, you will notice a small circle with a purple hand above the map node when scrolling the map, and there is a breach in this area that you need to dismantle, later you can start running Breach mechanism.
When you control the character to cross the purple hand icon, it will cause a conflict and cause a large ring to spread outward from the starting point. As long as you are within the edge of this ring, no matter where you stand, Breach monsters will appear and attack you, and they will appear and gather around you at a very fast speed according to the layout of the map.
So if you are not prepared to deal with them, please do not let the ring appear, otherwise you may suffer losses. But if you have the confidence to win these monsters, it is recommended to let this encounter last as long as possible, so that you can get more POE 2 Regal Orbs by killing more monsters.
It should be noted that this encounter has a timer, but you can circumvent this by killing as many monsters as possible as soon as possible and running over the purple hand icons you find. Generally speaking, the more monsters you kill, the longer Breach will last, but it is still recommended to hasten.
When you see the ring retreating towards the starting point, it means that this event is about to end, and any monsters generated by Breach will be removed when the ring moves over them. So be sure to try to target rare monsters while Breach is in progress to increase farm efficiency.
How To Clear Breach Faster?
In order to clear as many Breaches as possible within the time limit and get more rewards, you need to use some game props or take special methods.
Precursor Tablets & Lost Towers
If you want to clear more Breaches, first you need to allow more Breaches to be generated on unfinished map nodes, and Precursor Tablets can do this. Precursor Tablets can be obtained as random loot after you kill Breach monsters, but to use it, you must first find and clear Lost Towers on the map, then activate Precursor Beacon, and then you can insert the tablet by clicking on the tower.
Lost Towers in the game are surrounded by a large ring and will provide you with reward modifiers, and you may continue to encounter Breaches in certain maps within this ring.
Activating many Lost Towers will cause them to surround a large area of nodes. You can use Precursor Tablets to give these nodes many modifiers, which will increase the difficulty while providing you with rich rewards, and can be further stacked on top of rare waystones to form a node that is both rewarding and challenging.
Utilize Appropriate Builds
Given the difficulty and chaotic play style of Breach, you must always be vigilant and make full use of all your abilities when challenging this mechanic. To this end, it is recommended that you actively use builds that can clear actions and crowd control abilities in enormous areas during encounters.
Of these builds, Polcirkeln Ring is the most worthwhile, which can be combined with Herald of Ice to blast the monsters in Breach - this method is very effective because of the high density of monsters encountered in Breach area.
However, if you don’t have this ring, you can always achieve a similar effect with Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder. Attaching favorable support gems to them will make their combination blow up all monsters in range.
Other builds to consider include Archmage Spark Stormweaver, or Corpsewade Pathfinder Ranger, the latter will blast monsters with poisonous gas when they run towards you.
What Are Breach Rewards?
First of all, I need to emphasize that you should not pick up rewards before Breach event ends. Because if your inventory is full, picking up things and sorting your inventory will not only waste your time, but you may also be attacked by other enemies while you are trying to focus on collecting T15 waystones - unless you see Divine Orbs, which need to be picked up first.
After Breach is closed, facing an enormous pile of loot left on the ground, it is recommended that you pay attention to the following first:
- Breach Rings
- Breach Catalysts
- Breach Splinters
- Breach Precursor Tablets
Catalysts can be used to enhance the normal function of POE 2 jewelry, such as Tul’s Catalyst can increase the cold resistance or cold damage of Sapphire Ring. In addition, there are 12 Breach catalysts in Path of Exile 2. If you don’t get the catalyst you want by completing Breach, you can exchange them by orbs on the exchange as needed.
Breach rings are great in themselves because they can be upgraded to 50% quality compared to the normal rings of 20%. And if you can use catalysts on them, you can also make some more powerful rings, such as rings that provide resistance to multiple elements.
In short, whether you have entered POE 2 endgame stage or not, I believe this Breach response guide will bring you some help. I hope you can complete all the endgame content smoothly!
What Do The Top 10 Tier 2 Support Gems In Path Of Exile 2 Do?
If you’ve played both POE 1 and 2, you’ll notice that the skill system in Path of Exile 2 works a little differently than in the previous games. Instead of providing slots for your gear to combine skills and support gems, skill gems now have a default slot that can be inserted into a support gem. This means that in POE 2, you no longer have to find or roll for the gear with the correct linked slots before using a support gem, which is very convenient.
But there are trade-offs. While you gain this benefit, you will only be able to use a support gem once for all skills you have equipped, so in order to make the most of your support gems, you need to understand which support gems are best for which skills.
The trouble is, there are a lot of support gems in the game, with 56 in tier 2 alone, but don’t worry, we’ve selected the 10 most powerful ones for you to choose from. You can then get these support gems by killing monsters or trading with other players through POE 2 Chaos Orbs, according to your own situation.
1. Ingenuity
While it may seem that Ingenuity is not that impressive, as it only reduces the cooldown of skills, the really important thing is the 30% cooldown reduction it brings, which is very prominent among all the items in POE 2 that can provide similar benefits. Especially if you are used to using skills with long cooldowns to get burst damage, Ingenuity can quickly increase your damage efficiency.
2. Practiced Combo
Practiced Combo can play a very powerful effect when paired with the right builds. Although it can only support melee attack skills, it has a chance to increase the combo count of the corresponding skills when hitting the enemy. This will make it easier for you to execute the last blow of the combo action, causing significant damage in the battle. If you can use Practiced Combo with Extended Combo, it will also produce a very powerful effect, especially when used with Monk’s attack skills.
3. Close Combat / Long Shot
These two agility gems can actually be grouped together, as they essentially do the same thing, but it’s up to you to decide which one to choose based on your play style. Close Combat increases the damage dealt to enemies within a one-meter radius and then tapers off at 3.5 meters until it’s gone. Long Shot increases the damage dealt to enemies within a 7-meter radius, and then tapers off at 3.5 meters until it’s gone. So you can choose one based on your combat distance.
4. Coursing Current
If you’re using Lightning builds, then Coursing Current is a must-have support gem. It helps you spread the shock effect of your support skills to a 2.5-meter radius and has a 50% chance of activating. This spreads the damage to the enemy group and causes them to take more damage from the shock effect of this gem. And while this gem is more suitable for stun skills, it also supports any skill that attacks the enemy.
5. Considered Casting
Considered Casting is a support gem for spell-casting, and is best suited for high-damage direct hit casting, as it increases the spell damage of skills by 40%, but it also reduces the casting speed by 15%, so you need to be careful when using it. Based on these characteristics, you will eventually find that Considered Casting is more suitable for elemental skills, such as Frost Bolt and Ball Lightning, or Skeletal Storm Mages that can spawn minions.
6. Primal Armament
This gem focuses on strength and is suitable for almost any character who wants to focus on weapon-based elemental damage. It also supports any attack skill that uses a weapon, increasing the weapon elemental damage of that skill by 25%. If the weapon you use has one or more elemental damage types, the buff from Primal Armament will increase the damage by 25% before adding it to the damage calculation of the skill. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose to use the appropriate weapon with Primal Armament to get a powerful buff effect.
7. Maim
Maim can provide you with effective physical debuffs in combat, so when you are used to playing a ranged character, it is recommended that you don’t hesitate to consume POE 2 Currency to get it. This gem can reduce the enemy’s movement speed by 30% and the dodge rate by 15%, so when this effect spreads around enemy monsters, it can make your combat as a ranged character much easier.
8. Heavy Swing
This is another good support gem suitable for builds that focus on heavy physical damage. When you use it with a high-damage physical skill, although your attack speed will be slower, you can get a 35% increase in physical damage bonus. So obviously Heavy Swing will be suitable for melee players, but it is also useful for minion builds.
9. Inevitable Critical
Inevitable Critical can increase the critical chance of your skills by 25% per second, up to 100%, until the skill completes a critical hit and the bonus resets. So if you use POE 2 builds that focus on dealing critical damage, this support gem will be very useful.
10. Potential
If you are proficient in generating and using energy charges effectively in Path of Exile 2, you can combine this mechanism with the support gem Potential to provide you with powerful help. Potential will increase the critical chance of support skills by 30% by consuming charges, but it will also prevent skills from generating charges. So if you use this gem, you need to find other ways to charge.
After the introduction, I believe you should have decided which support gems to choose as your combat assistant. I hope you can have a good time playing in POE 2!